Just recovering from yesterdays first Dublin Flea Market...
Although I am probably recovereing from the hangover I had at yesterdays Flea Market, but didn't get a chance to!

Top Five Tips for the Market
1. Do not go out the night before...
2. Make a list of things you need to bring..scissors, bags, mirror,lights,(camera ...action!)
3. Buy a proper wardrobe rail, specifically one that does not collapse whilst people looking through your stall..
4. Networking with fellow stallees
5. Bring extra hangers,and reusable plastic bags
There was a wide range of stalls at the market, selling everything from household items, vintage kids clothing, chinese wall hangings, jewellery and the usual bits and bobs.
Would have been a nicer pic if I had smiled!!
All in all, it was a great day, and we got to meet some brilliant people.
Roll on the xmas flea!